Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Under pressure

Do you think your friends or your parents have a bigger influance on you/ Has this changed as you've gotten older? Is there any issue that you feel strongly about, so stronglythat neither your nor your family could influence you?

Mirro Image

When you look in the mirror,what do you see?do you like what you see?what if anything,would you chang?Do you think other see you as you see yourself

My Charity

Your state governor has contacted you directly about forming a new charity. You will be given all the funds you need to get started. You can form any charity you wish, to support any cause you deem worthy. Which cause would you support? Is there someone or somthing in particular that influenced your decision?

Keeping Secrets

when you confide in a friend,you hope he or she will keep your serects.Do you thinkthere are some secrects you should not keep for a friend?Or do you think that its always better to keep your promise and tell no one about your friend's secrect,even if someone's in danger?

Tiny or Immense

Decisions, Decisions. They range from the tiny (should I have tuna or turkey for lunch?) to the immense (Should I accept that scholarship or follow my dreams and become a cowboy?).If you could go back in time and change one decision you've made, what would it be? Why do you regret making this decision?

Secert Camera

Suppose you've been given an invisible camera. You can put it anywhere in the world- the Oval Office, the teacher's lounge, a movie star's apartment-and watch what happens. Where would you put a camera.

I wish you knew

Is there something you wish your parents knew about you ? Is there something you would confess to them if you could ? How would you tell them? Do you think you would feel better if they knew?

Bad Habits

Bad habits range from nail-bting to overeating to procrastinating to gossiping. What are your habits? What can you live with, and what would you rather stamp out altogether

Making a comeback

According to the cliche,

"every setback is an opportunity for a comeback."

In your life,has this proven true? have always recovered from setbacks?

Holiday Cheer

What is your favorite holiday?What is your least favorite holiday?write about two memorable holiday experiences,one from your favorite holiday and one from your least favorite.
Read the following passage from Ernest Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises. In it, Hemingway convey gloominess and dread by descibing the weather.

"In the morning it was raining. A fog had come over the mountains from the sea. You could not see the tops of the mountains. The plateau was dull and gloomy,and the shapes of the trees and the houses were changed. I walked out beyond the town to look at the weather.The bad weather was coming over the mountains from the sea.

Write a passage that conveys a mood by descibing the weather.

About my school.

You have been chosento describe your school in a brochure that will be give to sudent who live across the country. Assume that your reader know notthing about your city or school. Address the following topic.


About my name

Many names have special meaning or history. For example, the name Hannah means " Favor" or "grace". The name Vito means "life".

Write about your own name. Who named you? What does your name mean? Does it have a special ethnic or religious significance? Are you named after someone in your family? If you change your name, would you?
Do you think it would be cool to have an identical twin? Sharing a birthday might get annoying, but the number of tricks you could pull off is practically infintie. If you had an identical twin, what prank would you pull first?

Identical twin

do you think it would be cool to have an identical twin?Sharing a birthday might get annying,but the number of tricks you could pull of is practically infinite.If you had an identical infinite. If you had an idntical twin.what prank would you pull first?